Tribute to Stuart Scott

Stuart Scott – aAn Extraordinary Eco Warrior

It is with deep sadness that we learned that Stuart Scott has passed away on July 15, after a long battle with terminal cancer. He was a true mentor and outstanding communicator in our journey of ecological awareness, who focused so well and so powerfully on the critical challenges we face. Be assured that we will push forward on what needs to happen. Your legacy in and your partners in Scientists Warning Europe are working to achieve a sustainable future. The wonders of our planet are too precious to wreck when we are an 'intelligent' species that can do so much good. (Brian McGavin, Co-Director, Scientists Warning Europe)

I had the pleasure and privilege to meet Stuart in person only once; in October 2018, while he was travelling through England on his way towards COP24 in Poland. The words of warning, wisdom and encouragement he delivered while promoting the Scientists Warnings to Humanity need to be heard by the whole world today.

Above all else, we are extremely grateful for you being on this Earth at this critical time and for all that you have achieved with such courage, fortitude and strength. Fortunately your indomitable spirit will live on, not only in so many hearts and minds, but in your many YouTube videos, hopefully for long enough for us to get to grips with all the problems you have been forced to leave behind for others to deal with. No man could have tried harder than you to help the human race get out of the deep hole we have gotten ourselves into. You will always have our huge admiration, respect and appreciation. (Bill Dowling, Co-Director, Scientists Warning Europe)

Below, you can watch a recent interview with Stuart Scott as he speaks with our Managing Director, Ed Gemmell. Recorded in April 2021.


New paper from a number of the authors of the 2019 Warning


World Population Day 2021 - VIDEO